+977(0)14983043; +977(0)14981281 Samakhusi, Kathmandu Metropolitan, Nepal bishnu@decadeint.com
Fleet, Vehicle & Personal GPS Tracking Systems

Fleet, Vehicle & Personal GPS Tracking Systems

Through GPS.COM.NP, we provide all type of vehicle or Person tracking solutions that will suit everyone. We offer a wide range of products designed to suit any budget and any industry whether its for big or small businesses, private or commercial.

Fleet/Vehicle Tracking & Management

Connect your fleet and gain total control and visibility with the latest 4G LTE devices paired with our world class fleet management software.

Asset Tracking & Management

Complete control over your assets using our GPS Asset Tracking & management software with live tracking, plus valuable data such as fuel levels and unauthorised usage.

Driver Safety & Performance

A driver behaviour management system gives fleet managers the ability to monitor driver performance in regard to speeding, acceleration, braking, cornering and speed.

Job/Delivery Management & Dispatch

Eliminate downtime and increase productivity with seamless job/delivery management & dispatch solutions for all trades, Services & transport companies.

Happy Labour Day 2020 !